Friday, 6 January 2012

Oh, hi there

Have I really not posted anything since we got back from Japan? I suppose I haven't, or it would be here. I finally got the pile of stuff I brought back but didn't have anywhere to put off the floor last weekend, even if I did resort to creating a 'things to do/find a place for' box.

We spent the end of November and December catching up on work, or in my case deliberately not thinking about work and just doing what came in. I ended up relaxing followed by a crazy seven days - including working straight through a weekend - before we went to the Canary Islands for Christmas. It was a shock to get back to Zurich, particularly when our cases with our coats in them didn't make the connecting flight in Madrid. We stayed in listening to the freezing rain for New Year and I'm now getting ready for a trip back to the UK for some translation events.

We did get out a bit, and I picked up some nice promotional postcards for a Japanese-themed bakery (which I haven't been to yet) and a cabaret in Zurich.