Friday 21 November 2014

This too

I've kind of wasted my last morning - I hauled out to the National Museum in Ueno, on the far side of the Yamanote loop line, to see the special exhibit of national treasures. It took nearly an hour to get to Ueno and I had promised to be back by 1 pm to have lunch before leaving for the hotel. I came out at the wrong exit and ended up walking for ages before I was able to cross the tracks and get into the park. It did leave me closer to the museum, but with not much more than half an hour before I needed to leave again. Queuing time: 50 minutes. I should have known. These special exhitions are always rammed, and people were being bussed in to see artworks that hadn't been displayed in seven years.

Now heading back for lunch and then to haul my two pieces of hold luggage to the hotel ready for an early departure tomorrow.

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