Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Almost not

Almost didn't get my washing back yesterday - G locked herself out, and although she was let back in by the landlady, she was going out again for an event leaving me with not enough time to get there by the time I'd finished up at work. Luckily Z was kind enough to bring my washing back with his, so I don't need to do any emergency shopping...

I may be in Cologne at the end of the month, just waiting to hear back from some friends.

Not sure I'm sleeping well, and I'm incredibly stiff. Probably the bed, but possibly the fact they have quite good free coffee at work... and quite strong too.

Anyway, worked a bit late last night so looking forward to getting out a bit early on Friday, assuming that happens! We got the big storm blowing itself out yesterday so hopefully we'll get some brighter weather for the weekend.

Hmm. Boat trip? Zoo? Botanical gardens? So much to see!

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